Claim Specialties

The damages to your property become our focus and responsibility.

We make the insurance claims process easy and efficient so that you get the highest payout possible.

No stress, no BS, and no time wasted.

Do you know if your policy covers the damage?

We can help you find out.


Hurricane Damage

Water Damage

Fire Damage

Mold Damage

Property Theft


Marine Damage

Aviation Damage

Hurricane Damage ♛ Water Damage ♛ Fire Damage ♛ Mold Damage ♛ Property Theft ♛ Vandalism ♛ Marine Damage ♛ Aviation Damage ♛

Hurricane Damage Miami Florida Public Adjusters

Hurricane Damage

Water Damage Miami Florida Public Adjusters

Water Damage

Fire Damage Miami Florida Public Adjusters

Fire Damage

Mold Damage

Property Theft Damage Miami Florida Public Adjusters

Property Theft


Marine Boat Damage Miami Florida Public Adjusters

Marine Damage

Aviation Plane Damage Miami Florida Public Adjusters

Aviation Damage


hurricane damage south florida help filing insurance claims

Hurricane Damage

We offer a comprehensive hurricane claims assessment, including a deep review of your policy coverage and a detailed inspection of all damages, whether apparent or not.

Extreme weather does not always need to cause extreme stress.

We will help itemize all damages, like water intrusion, flood, and wind damage to ensure that you are maximizing your policy coverage and receiving proper compensation for your damages.

water flooding damage south florida help filing insurance claims

Water Damage

Plumbing leaks, water intrusion, and natural causes may cause a build-up of moisture and water behind walls and underground. This can be overlooked by insurers and even many adjusters, since water damages can often be unapparent to the eye. Our brothers receive specific training to accurately detect all covered damages including:

  • Swelling

  • Water Stains

  • Peeling

  • Buckling/Tenting


Fire Damage

We will put your safety and interests first. A fire can compromise the internal building structure, leaving you and your family at risk. Our evaluation is thorough and immediate, so we can account for all damages including any that may be inapparent. Because fire damage is one of the most destructive types of claims, we check for the following, including not limited to:

  • Structural Damage

  • Electrical Circuitry

  • Air Conditioning System

  • Walls, Ceiling & Roof


Mold Damage

After water damage, there is a high risk of mold damage as well.

It takes only 3 days for mold to grow in moist areas. If mold is visible, then it is already much too late. The course of action for this type of damage must be immediate, as mold affects humans psychologically. Those with breathing problems or asthma are at an even higher risk when dealing with mold.

theft damage south florida help filing insurance claims for break ins robbery breakin

Property Theft

Before filing an insurance claim, any theft or burglary incidents should be reported to the police.

We help you prepare a detailed inventory of the items stolen and our brothers thoroughly review your policy. With an inspection and policy analysis, we can help you perform in-depth research into the present-market value of the stolen items and value of items that are no longer sold. In the cases of theft, coverage exclusions and limitations can be convoluted, so we have retained expert appraisers so you can have extra help.



Filing a claim when your property is vandalized is different than other claims because vandalism is a crime. The incident should be reported to the police, and a police report may even be required to file a claim.

We’ll thoroughly review your homeowners insurance to make sure you get reimbursed with the highest possible payout.


Marine Damage

Damage to vessels can happen when a marina does not provide adequate security and the vessel is vandalized or stolen, or when a marina removes a vessel from the water and causes damages to the vessel. There are other types of marine property damages that can be caused that will be subject to Maritime law. We can conduct a full policy review and make sure you can fully claim what is yours to help cover the cost of repairs.

aviation damage south florida help filing insurance claims for hangar negligence claim

Aviation Damage

Aircraft insurance covers repairs to damaged airplanes and other flying machines. We’ll review your policy and ensure whether you can claim damage caused to hangars, airports, and other relevant land-based property while making sure you get the highest payout possible for the damages to your aircraft. Every claim will be thoroughly inspected by our brothers so you don’t have the headache, we’ll take care of it for you.